Wednesday 27 April 2011

Aurora Chennai...

Persuaded by the sweltering hot weather  of Chennai, the incessant sweating coupled with the summer vacation and a lazy attitude,a lot of us chennaites have been spending the days bound in air conditioned room with the television,computer , mobiles and the other time- wasting gadgets we are accustomed to using. Exhausted with this oh-so-uninteresting routine of mine, i decided to go out for a an early morning walk for a change.

Dressed in a pair of tracks and t-shirt ,i equipped myself with a bottle of water , my wallet and started out in the wee hours of the morning..As  soon as i went outside my house to start my walking adventure, my eyes met with an uniform sight of ladies bending outside their homes to draw the ritualistic kolams an important everyday south Indian culture.I had to see to it that my feet treaded only the middle of the road.If i made way for an occasional  or rather rare car or scooter by keeping my  feet near...mind it only near...i was done for.I was either glared at by ferocious ladies as i had almost ruined their piece of art or stared and tu-tuted  by sympathizing aunties who probably felt sorry for me as i was part of the modern generation that they probably thought do not respect culture.

Ignoring all this i continued my walking for a few minutes only to beleaguered and halted by street dogs.Having fostered a fear for street dogs ever since i saw my friend being bitten by one,i stood in a stand still... a position one would pose if told "statue!". This comical predicament of mine continued till a kind passer by drove the dogs away . My walk continued after i finished thanking the person profusely for his timely help.I had the road to myself expect  when an occasional dog walker or cyclist passed my way. The sun soon started peeping out and i soon found my self bathed in the first rays of the sun .Birds started twittering and the resonance of slokas started emanating  from nearby temples.I could smell the fresh fragrance of jasmine flowers or malli poo being sold by the flower vendors.  The aroma of coffee or rather filter kaphi being sold by the roadside tea stalls(yes..ironic ..isn't it?) ticked my nose .Restraining my self i walked on as  the shutters of shops were pulled open ,the milk vendor and news-paper boys passed me and the the entire scene before me awakened and started becoming animated,full of life,spirited and oh-so-very gay, lively ,vivid ,vibrant and brisk.It was that ray...that shade of light....that electrified the entire human race and stimulated, stirred ,triggered  the activities for that day.I felt horripilated all over...a feeling obviously not related to the  was beyond a was akin to a sense of enlightment  through all said and done it was a morning properly spent..:)

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